Tuesday 29 November 2011

New Backpack!

Introducing my new laptop backpack (Which I've bought during the recently-concluded Sarawak ICT Expo last week):

Originally priced RM 88; But managed to strike a deal,and bought it off with the price of RM 80.

Saturday 26 November 2011

End-of-Year & and New Year's do'a

As it's going to be the End of Year 1432AH and also the beginning of Year 1432AH,Here are the do'a to be recited.Firstly,the End-of Year Do'a,recited at the end of Asar Prayers or before the Maghrib Prayers.

End-Of-Year Do'a

"Segala pujian bagi Allah Tuhan semesta alam. Selawat dan salam  kepada junjungan Rasul dan kepada keluarganya dan para sahabat sekalian. 

Ya Allah, apa yang telah kami lakukan sepanjang tahun ini dari apa yang Engkau larang kami daripadanya, maka tidak sempat kami bertaubat darinya dan Engkau tidak meredhainya dan tidak Engkau melupainya dan Engkau berlemah lembut kepada kami walaupun Engkau memberi peluang supaya kami bertaubat setelah kami melakukan maksiat kepada Engkau, maka sesungguhnya kami memohon keampunan Engkau, maka ampunilah kami. Apa yang kami lakukan padanya dari apa yang Engkau redhainya dan Engkau telah menjanjikan kami ganjaran pahala keatasnya, maka kami memohon akan Dikau wahai Tuhan Yang Maha Mulia yang mempunyai kebesaran dan kemuliaan semoga Engkau menerima kami dan janganlah Engkau memutuskan harapan kami dari kurnia Engkau wahai Tuhan Yang Mulia.

Moga-moga Allah S.W.T mencucuri rahmat dan sejahtera kepada junjungan kami Nabi Muhammad, ahli keluarga dan sahabat-sahabat sekalian. Segala pujian bagi Allah, Tuhan sekalian alam."

New Year's Do'a

"Segala pujian bagi Allah Tuhan semesta alam. Selawat dan salam kepada junjungan Rasul dan kepada keluarganya dan para sahabat sekalian. 

Ya Allah, Engkaulah Yang Kekal, Qadim lagi azali dan di atas kelebihan Engkau Yang Besar dan kemurahan-Mu yang melimpah dan ini adalah tahun baru yang sesungguhnya telah mendatangi kami, kami memohon kepada Engkau pemeliharaan padanya daripada syaitan yang direjam, pembantu-pembantunya dan tentera-tenteranya dan kami memohon pertolongan dari nafsu yang banyak mendorong kepada kejahatan dan kami memohon kepada-Mu untuk melakukan sebarang pekerjaan yang boleh mendekatkan diri kami kepada-Mu. Ya Allah, Tuhan yang merubah segala keadaan, ubahlah keadaan kami kepada sebaik-baik keadaan dengan kekuasaan dan kurnian-Mu wahai Tuhan Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang. 

Moga-moga Allah S.W.T mencucuri rahmat dan sejahtera kepada junjungan kami Nabi Muhammad, ahli keluarga dan sahabat-sahabat sekalian. Segala puji bagi Allah, Tuhan sekalian alam. Semoga Allah menerima doa kita semua."

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Tiger roar at Gelora Bung Karno!

Firstly; Congratulations to the Young Tigers for the victory against the Garudas on the SEA Games Final at Gelora Bung Karno last night! Although it's a penalty shootout,however,We've won 5-4; despite the huge number of Indonesian supporters at the stadium.

However,things went ugly for both side,as before the game the Malaysian team were forced to enter the stadium using the Barracuda APC,Torching of the Ticket Counters by angry Indonesian Fans and death of 2 Indonesian fans due to the stampede as they attempted to enter the stadium,

Despite their roar and insults,however,they began to silent as when they failed to score the penalty goal on their 4th attempt,thus sealing their second defeat to the Tigers (the first was during the Semi Finals,also at the same place).

Our victory has make us successfully defending the Gold medal we've won at 2009 SEA Games in Laos; And will we be able to win the gold medal for the 3rd time again at Naypyidaw,Myanmar 2013? Only time will tell!

And here's the winners of the Football event in 2011 SEA Games,Jakarta-Palembang:

Gold Medal: Malaysia
Silver Medal: Indonesia
Bronze Medal: Myanmar (They've beaten Vietnam on the 3rd Place run-off)

With the game ends today (22/11/2013); It will be remembered as the games with lots of controversies; such as during the Pencak Silat final between Indonesia and Thailand,where the Indonesian contestant bites his Thai competitor,and the unfair decision by the Singaporean referee.The incident has caused series of criticism by Singapore,Thailand and Vietnam.

Terima Kasih Jakarta-Palembang,and now We will see you in Naypyidaw,Myanmar 2013!

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Trip to Kuching (Again)! Part 2

Continue on from the previous post.

After the spice shopping at Gambier Street; we later went upwards to Petra Jaya (to my cousin's residence at Jalan Cenderawasih),and changes our attire.Dad & me dons the light blue Baju Melayu for the wedding event,and after that,we went to my uncle's residence at Kampung Semariang Batu,not far away from my cousin's residence.

The wedding ceremony was considered a memory,as it was held at their own residence,instead of hall.My cousin,Onny Yahya Onn,was the only son in my uncle family (all of his siblings are females,and all of them had married).

Below are the photos from the event:

2 of my cousins welcomes the female guests

Wondering what she's doing

The Caterers

Dad with my cousin-in-law.My cousin was seen chatting with her husband.Both of them tied the knot last June.

Guests starting to arrive

My uncle @ Groom's father.At last,his only son has married.

My nieces; on the left side is my cousin's niece (Her Husband niece; Too bad her husband,a Captain in the Royal Artillery Regiment was called-up for an operation,thus forced to cancel his trip to Kuching.However,her parent-in-laws and her niece came to Kuching without her knowing,and she was later surprised to see them!)

My Uncle eldest granddaughter,Faldzia Hawani @ Wanie.Most of our family members says that she resembles her mother back during her childhood days,and Yes,it is ^_^.Awww,doesn't she look so sweet?

Another eye candy during the event; She do know how to pose in front of the camera! ^_^

Guests began to enjoy their meals

Smileee ^_^

My Cousin-in-law holding her daughter,Nur Adriana @ Yana

Time for us to tuck-in ;Me,My cousins,cousin-in-laws,nieces and aunts are in one table.

The Groom & The Bride

Not long afterwards, Me & my dad had to get ready to return to Sibu on the same day.Most of them were surprised to hear that we are returning on the same day as well.My uncle did ask us to stay at least for a night,but dad insisted that he got other things need to be done.So,as a token of appreciation (for attending the wedding ceremony although for several hours only),My uncle family had tapau (pack)ed some of the leftovers from the ceremony for us to brought home,alongside the candy pack & 2 Bunga Telur. After that,we returned to my cousin house to change our attire,and went straight to the Bus Terminal.

After arriving at the Bus Terminal around 1510-1515 (dad was bit furious when i was a bit late as I was at the Popular Outlet buying the marker pen to be used),we quickly load our stuffs (the spices we've bought that morning) into the cargo compartment.We've departed around 1530pm,and the weather was poor,with rain throughout the journey.We were later encountered 2 separate accidents,in Sri Aman Division.Problem later haunts our Bus,as we were delayed for a long time at Lubok Antu/Batang Ai junction and Jelukong Rest Stop,thus delaying our journey (and frustrates the passengers heading north,to Bintulu and Miri).The Journey itself took around 8 hours,with stops at Serian & Sarikei (to pick up passengers).While we entering the Sibu Division border,the bus suddenly honks when a vehicle passed through.To our horror,we later discovered the lamp was malfunctioned!

We arrived around 2330pm at the Bus Terminal,and because of the delay,The journey to Bintulu & Miri was delayed for half and hour,definitely frustrating the passengers waiting for the bus! We were picked up by my eldest brother fiancee & went straight home.

Upon arriving at home,My thought was :Whoa,that's one helluva day trip; probably the farthest day trip i've ever taken!" I'm really hoping that I will not encounter the same trip again in the future.

Again,to my cousin Onny Onn and his Wife,Tiena; Selamat Pengantin Baru once again!

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Trip to Kuching (Again)!

This year,I've made another trip with dad to the State Capital,Kuching and for this time it's for my cousin's wedding.For the second time in this year,I've made a trip to Kuching by land,and also first time for a return trip (my last return trip was via air).The bus we've taken are scheduled to depart on 2345,but it departed around 0000hrs the next day,around 15mins late.But the journey was smooth,with 2 stops (Driver Change at Jelukong,near Sri Aman & Serian Bus Terminal).

The journey itself took approximately 6 hours,and we arrived around 0630hrs.Upon arriving at the bus terminal,I've met fellow Malaysianwings member Rayner,as i'm handing over the MASwings model he asked me to buy,and we managed to chat for a moment.Afterwards,my cousin arrived,and my dad told her to go to Gambier Street to do some spice shopping (for our store at Central Market).Upon arriving,we later discovered the shops have not opened,and decided to have a breakfast first.The location for breakfast was Maju Square Restaurant (located at Gartak St),and I'm having Laksa with Teh C (small),while dad opts for Mee Jawa with Chicken Satay and for my cousin,it's the same with my dad,but with Meat Satay.

Breakfast for that day.Too bad the Laksa lacks it's depth in flavor.

Dad tucks in his Mee Jawa with Chicken Satay; But his Kopi O haven't arrived yet.

After the breakfast,we've returned to Gambier Street,and decided to wait for a moment.And while waiting we've spotted flocks of Pigeon around the area.Shortly afterwards,one of the shop owner's wife gave the corn feed to the Pigeons. Below are the photos of the pigeons having their meal:

Will upload more photos later on!

Friday 11 November 2011

MAS A330-300EX & B737-800 in new livery (1:400 scale)

Year 2011 has witnessed the delivery of new planes to Malaysia Airlines,as it took the delivery of Boeing 737-8H6 and also Airbus 330-300E.

It also introduced the new Eurowhite style livery,along the new planes,which received mixed responses from the aviation enthusiasts around the world.Some likes it,while some hates it.

Below are the 1:400 scale model of the planes; The B737-800 was made by Gemini Jets,while the A330-300 was made by Phoenix Models.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Eid-ul-Adha 2011

Assalamualaikum W.B.T. and greetings everyone!

It's been a while since the last entry i've posted here; today would like to share the photos snapped during the recent Eid-ul-Adha festival,which falls on Sunday (6/11/2011).

During the moment this photo was snapped,the rest of the cows hasn't arrived yet.

Khutbah (Sermon) in session,shortly after the Eid Prayers.

Tahlil (Rememberance Prayers for the Deceased) ceremony after the khutbah.

Breakfast at the Surau Compound,after the Tahlil Prayers.

Shortly afterwards,We returned home,and heads to my late Aunt residence,before paying our respects to the deceased family members at the Sibu Muslim Cemetery.

At the Sibu Muslim Cemetery.Al Fatihah to all Muslims throughout the world who had gone before us.

After that,We all back to our residence,as I was about to take part in the Qurban (Sacrifice) ceremony today,so I've decided to take a short break before returning to the Surau compound.

Upon the arrival at the Surau compound,situation was a bit hectic as one cow has escaped during the unloading process.However,as all the gates at the Surau was closed down (in order to prevent the cow from escaping,it only roams throughout the area,and all people within the Surau compound are on high alert; as should they let their guards down,anything worse can happen.Below are the photos:

This is the cow I've mentioned above; Check out the commotion on the short video recorded by me below:

The commotion during the attempt to re-capture the cow.

Situation are still hot; as many were on high alert,fearing that it may ram its way through the canopy where all of us were busy cutting the meat.

Head of the 2 Cows slaughtered earlier.These were one of the Cow's part to be highly sought after (including the tail)

Meats ready to be distributed

Cow's skin,anyone? This one tastes good if it's cooked alongside with Yam's stalk (we called it Masak Sayur Keladi)

First time for me; Yay! 

The event itself was ended around 1700-1730hrs; and afterwards,all members of the Qurban ceremony began cleaning the compound,burying the slaughtered cow organs,and other things as well. As a token of appreciation for helping out the cleaning of the area,the Surau committee gives another pack of meat,thus I'll be bringing home 2 packs of meat!

Overall,the meats weights around 5kg (rough estimate);while my eldest brother also bring home meats as well (including goat meat).After the first-time experience,I am looking forward to join the event again next year!

Friday 4 November 2011

The ATRs: Firefly & MASwings model

From all of my collection; I only have 4 turboprop models (2 Fokker 50 model in MAS & MASwings),and the other 2 was Firefly and MASwings ATR 72-500 model,both in 1:150 scale,made by Long Prosper.

Firstly,the Firefly model;It was made by Long Prosper,but without the registration.The model was made for in-flight sale within Firefly routes.Below are the photo the actual model of the plane:

The price of the model was RM 60;and it was available either during the flight or at their sales office at Sultan Abdul Aziz Airport,Subang.

Afterwards,the model undergo modifications,and after for weeks,the modifications were completed,and below are the reworked model:

The modifications were:

* Landing gears,
* Yellow-colored tips on the Propeller blade; and
* Silver color on the APU

My second ATR model was MASwings ATR 72-500,same scale and also same manufacturer (1:150,Long Prosper).However for the model,the registration (9M-MWA) was included as well.The plane,(cn 817) was delivered on 2008,and christened as "Kuching",after the City of Kuching,Sarawak.

Below are the photos of the model:

The model will undergo the similar modification just like the Firefly,however,I'm considering another additional details on the model,which are:

* 1Malaysia model on the rear passenger door
* "Kuching"  word below the Jalur Gemilang

Hopefully the additional details can be added.