Wednesday 2 May 2012

Program "Sepetang bersama Veteran Sibu" 2012 ("An afternoon with Sibu Veterans 2012" program)

On May 1st,2012 (Tuesday),a event was held at Tanahmas Hotel,Sibu,called  "Sepetang bersama Veteran Sibu" 2012 (An afternoon with Sibu Veterans) 2012,with senior citizens were invited to the event.The event itself was held in order to :

* An opinion-exchange session in order to assist the Yang Berhormat to pave a way for society development,
* To discuss issues and problems in order to create a best solution,and
* To create a bond between the leaders and the people towards a harmonic relationship

Below are the photos snapped by me during the program.The program itself was meaningful for me,as my dad was invited to the program as well.My uncle was also invited,however he was at Bintulu,so he was unable to attend the program.

The Program's banner

Do'a (Prayer) recital about to begin

Do'a (Prayer) recital in session

Dad also invited to this program.Thanks a lot dad,for spending your time for this program.

Representatives from Sibu Bumiputera Graduates Association.

Me & Dad

Organizing Committee members 

YB presenting his speech

The Chairman of the Community Unity Secretariat,Tuan Hj.Rabek Ali chats with the guests 

The program itinerary

YB chats to the guests from table to table

Fellow Officemate Kak Noraini (Middle) joined in as well,despite that she was involved in a program held on the same day

YB listens to the problem forwarded by the veterans

I will upload the 2nd part of the photo in the next post.

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